Justin’s Almond Butter Campaign Case Study


  • Influencer Engagement

The Challenge:

Justin’s aimed to retain loyal consumers and attract new households with its line of almond butters, ultimately maintaining category leadership. The brand challenged SchroderHaus and its media agency to activate a short flight digital campaign focused specifically on its almond butter SKUs to demonstrate how a campaign leveraging influencer content could help effectively expand connections with social audiences and increase purchase consideration. 

The Solution:

SchroderHaus and Justin’s media agency developed and implemented a month-long campaign leveraging influencer content on Instagram and TikTok to showcase the versatility and benefits of choosing Justin’s Almond Butter. The strategically-selected set of seven influencer partners created engaging content, including reels, TikTok videos and eye-catching still-imagery featuring simple recipes and everyday uses of Justin’s Almond Butter. The partnerships included usage rights for key pieces of content to be used in the digital media campaign, helping effectively reach a broader audience of potential consumers.

The Results

  • 115,736 total organic impressions and more than 8 million paid impressions 
  • 4,955,440 total views
  • 75,219 total organic engagements 
  • 54,000 clicks to the Almond Butter page on the Justin’s site at a 1.7% CTR
  • $0.26 cost per completed view on TikTok

Justin’s Almond Butter Campaign Case Study

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