Fairtrade America Choose Fairtrade: Choose the World You Want


  • Brand Communications
  • Influencer Engagement
  • Social & Digital Media

The Challenge:

In 2022, Fairtrade America tasked SchroderHaus with growing consumer awareness by at least 10%, increasing trust in the Fairtrade mark by double-digits and encouraging U.S. shoppers to purchase more Fairtrade certified products.

The Solution:

SchroderHaus developed and implemented the third annual “Choose Fairtrade. Choose the world you want.” integrated campaign. The campaign leverages the seasonality of October Fairtrade Month and the stories of real-life farmers and producers to demonstrate the importance of choosing Fairtrade. The integrated campaign includes retailer and Fairtrade certified brand partnerships, including large-scale murals of producers at grocery stories, public relations, influencer engagement, paid and organic social media, events and other website and digital activations.

The Results

  • 1.07MM impressions from social media with CPMs at $1.54 for ads with an awareness objective and $0.27 for ads with a traffic or conversion objective
  • 13,400+ FTA newsletter sign ups and giveaway entries
  • Nearly 14,000 website visits from social media
  • A total potential reach of 841,500k and an average 5% engagement on influencer content
  • 23 trade and local media news stories
  • Substantial increase in consumer awareness of the Fairtrade Mark from 41% to 61% from 2021 to 2023
  • Sizable increased consumer trust of the Mark from 57% to 72%, and an increase of consumers saying they purchase Fairtrade certified goods up to 25%
  • YoY sales increase of Fairtrade certified goods at participating retailers during October Fairtrade Month

Fairtrade America Choose Fairtrade: Choose the World You Want

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