Justin’s Annual Retainer


  • Brand Communications
  • Influencer Engagement

The Challenge:

As inflationary trends and increased competition challenge market share, how do you raise awareness, increase household penetration and lock in loyalty for the Justin’s brand and its products?

The Solution:

SchroderHaus developed and implemented an annual brand-building communications program that recognized the shifting media landscape and consumers increasingly looking to digital platforms for product and cause recommendations. The team  combined seasonal integrated campaigns touting the brand’s CSR programming and whole portfolio of nut butters and confections along with always on public relations, media engagement and influencer marketing.

The Results

  • 108 earned media placements 
  • 147MM+ earned media impressions
  • 45MM+ influencer total potential reach
  • Maintained 27% media coverage share of voice and 19.6% influencer tags share of voice
  • Helped Justin’s retain its position as the #1 branded natural almond butter

Justin’s Annual Retainer

Test test